Asmech Systems is one the UK’s leading providers of tote stackers and de-stackers.
Tote stackers have forks or clamps that engage and lift totes vertically, allowing the next tote to enter the stacker magazine underneath the accumulating stack of totes. Once positioned, the carriage lowers the stack to sit into the last tote before releasing that stack into the storage area for accumulation prior to a tote de-stacker.
The tote de-stacker follows very similar movements as the Stacker, but uses an additional set of gripper arms to pull the bottom tote from the stack to feed one tote at a time out to the order picking or kit distribution area of a facility. The maximum throughput for each one of these units is approximately every five seconds but can be adjusted to meet the needs of each application and the overall limitations of our customers’ process.
Full Automation
Tote stackers and de-stackers’ full automation increases storage density for empty totes and improves worker efficiency and maximises the use of floor space. They can both be easily implemented to existing lines as a fully automated and low-maintenance solutions. These systems come in various shapes and sizes to suit requirements, and can stack many items including racks, pallets, tires, containers, and more. Stackers feature magazines which hold stackers as they are built up alongside an in-feed conveyor and lifting actuators. At Asmech we can provide facilities to stack varying heights of loads which is useful for those in logistics, warehousing, manufacturing, and supermarket distribution
Asmech Systems is one the UK’s leading providers of tote stackers and de-stackers, we supply these solutions to a range of industries including supermarket warehousing and building material manufacturing. Our bespoke design of tote stacker and de-stackers are compact and able to feed in stacks of totes bins. The machines can separate and release single tote bins when requested with an infinite number of applications as the equipment is fully automatic.