Tote stackers and de-stackers are an ideal space solution for a variety of industries including logistics, warehousing, supermarkets and manufacturing. They allow for an efficient constant re-use of totes and transportation around a warehouse or factory, or between sites. Tote stackers and de-stackers can be standalone or used as part of an existing conveyor system, which makes them an optimal addition to any facility.
When these machines are integrated into a current system, they allow for machine operators to utilise their time elsewhere. They can be set to independently stack or de-stack totes from storage or containers and move them to the required location.
How do they work
The tote stacker engages and lift totes vertically using clamps or forks, this allows the following tote to enter the stacker underneath the collecting stack of totes. When in position, the stack is lowered by the carriage to sit into the last tote before releasing it into the storage area for accumulation.
The tote de-stacker follows a very similar pattern of the stacker but, it uses an additional set of gripper arms to pull the bottom tote from the stack to feed one tote at a time out to the order picking or distribution area of a facility.
The general throughput for the stackers is approximately 20 totes per minute but this can be altered to suit the needs and limitations of the customer requirements.
Reasons to buy
Tote stackers and de-stackers are low maintenance and safe pieces of equipment. They can customarily stack weights up to 50kg. They are flexible in the way they can be configured to adapt to machinery already in a facility. Thay also have a positive impact on health and safety requirements removing aspects of heavy lifting and manual handling and reduces the chances of injury through finger trapping.
Asmech Systems Ltd. automatic tote stackers and de-stackers are one of our most popular products we supply. Please contact us today to talk to our expert knowledgeable team to discuss your requirements on 01623 424 442 or at